Saturday, June 24, 2006

Laundry in a Sexy Laundromat

If only I looked like this when I did my laundry! Thanks to Rashbre for this one. I have to say that all these people posting their great pics with laundry themes has really made my week that much more enjoyable. I actually laugh out loud every time I get a good one. Thank you so much and keep 'em coming!

I guess I should actually do some of my own laundry this weekend. Ugh. It's not actually doing the laundry that I enjoy - just seeing it on the line. The end, not the means.

Although when I worked in the rainforests of Costa Rica I lived with this amazing Guyanese woman that beat her laundry on the rocks in order to get out every last speck of dirt. I tried to learn from her, but let's face it. I sucked at it. I felt like the grimy gringa that I'm sure the clean Costa Ricans thought I was. But the Guyanese girl - she took about 10 minutes per shirt, and always came out sparkling clean and ready to go to the local pub for a party. My whites were just meant to be grey.


Anonymous said...

When I was a little girl my mother had a ringer washer. You had to hand pull the clothes through a ringer that was on top of the machine. I walked over from michele's.

Sarah Jane said...

We had one of those in another house in Costa Rica. It was awesome bc it was a machine!

keda said...

hello darling.. sorry i'm so late! i will have to get out and take some pictures.

i can however submit another laundry related blog adres.. i doubt she will mind, she's fun.

lovely idea darling. i'll get on it :)

verniciousknids said...

Well I did my laundry today...but there were no rocks in sight!

Michele sent me.

MsT said...

Oh, I can't IMAGINE having to wash laundry by hand, what would I do without my modern conveniences? London is one of my favorite cities, enjoy. Michele says hi.

Unknown said...

Man, those legs are amazing. I never look like that doing my laundry, either. Believe me...NEVER.

Here via michele.

Sarie said...

I don't mind DOING laundry, I hate putting it away. Hate it. I have been known to just leave it in the basket and wear it out of there. Wrinkles and all.

I believe if I had to beat it with rocks, I would soon be a nudist, however.

Here via Michele's.

Bobealia... said...

I actually love doing laundry! With machines.

Catherine said...

My laundry looks nothing like that! I enjoyed looking at all the laundry pictures. Michele sent me

Anonymous said...

when I was a kid, my mom used to hang the laundry in the kitchen on winter nights. (And my dad used to dry his hair in the oven - but that's another story.) She would run twine zig zag back and forth on nails in the fall and take it down in the spring. After I brushed my teeth I would walk thorough this hanging, damp forest to the stairs. I loved it the way I loved seeing a familiar room turned backwards in a mirror. As though there could be something unexpected behind the next dripping pantleg. Wish I had pictures of that.