Friday, February 09, 2007

Laundry on a Turkish Line

These photos are from Keda from one of my favourite blogs, Mama Hog 'N' the Lets. I have been harrassing her for months for her laundry images as I knew she would have some goodies, and I am happy to post them here!
She says these "are from gumusluk in southern turkey. while the lets were still in nappies we used washable ones, with poppers or velcro and had to handwash them while we were down there on holiday as our apartment had no machine. well luckily our maid did. after i'd got rid of and showered the majority of the gunk down the loo first, that was my part of the deal. but i never regretted it for a second. though she may have. and the nappies looked lovely on the line. i can't believe i don't have anypictures of the pink and yellow gingham ones though. so silly what you forget to capture. i hope you are well dear one. .kisses.k*" Thanks Keda!


Bobealia... said...

Love these! 'Specially in contrast to the Japanese line.
So much color in her life, when I grow up I want to be Keda.

keda said...

:) fyi.. lovedove is the let on the left in each picture.