Tuesday, July 04, 2006

London on a Prisoner's Line

"A member of Mara Salvatrucha is framed by bars, drying laundry and an American flag at Ciudad Barrios Penitentiary in El Salvador. Many of the prison's inmates, including those who call the shots, are deportees from Los Angeles."
Luis Sinco/Los Angeles Times

Back to laundry images, thanks to Bobealia, aka the Cat's Me'Ass.
It's half-time in the Germany vs Italy game, so I gotta go! Go Italy!


Anonymous said...

hey hunny bunch! i love reading your blog..even though we work together and hangout together, I feel like I understand a different sid eof you through your writing!

That ex story was fab! its strange what quirks you remember about people you care about about... hmm I spose that would be hard to forget!

The quirkies thing I an remember about first boyf was the fact that he let a little bit of smoke out before he inhaled each puff of his cigarette

love you lots xxxx

Bobealia... said...

I saw your comment at Keda's and had to come say hi 'cause I have done the same thing with my hair... short, long, short, long, red, brown, blonde, platnium, magenta...

Anonymous said...

Was thinking of you, landed in Manchester - first time in England, albeit a short 4 hour visit! Working on my plan to get "more laundry" dirtied so I can get my pic to you... but it seems I keep wearing the same things - well, except undies! Anyway, gotta run! cheers!

Bobealia... said...

Hey Vickie, I just posted my first ever Thursday Thirteen. I don't know if I'll ever do it again, but it was inspired by you...
stop by!