Thursday, June 22, 2006

The first Laundry Art Submissions are in!

How exciting! Thanks to Bobealia for being unemployed and taking the time away from her job hunt to find us some lovely images of laundry on our global line. Love it.

Here we go:

Bobealia submitted this one bc she says, "This one reminds me of art school"
and she got it from"

And again, Bobealia's comments on why she submitted this one: "Of course I love this one because it has graffiti in it"

Bobealia says "Lurve this one!"

I'm with her on this one. Love the underwear/"pants" on the line. So very black and white and fun!

Bobealia also found an awesome laundry themed artist site, which is She says, I like the tie-dye in a park one. Very cool. Sadly, I dont know how to make these websites all fancy so you can just click on them and get to them right away. My apologies to the artists - if anyone wants to hack into my site and fix it, go nuts.

I'm absolutely loving this concept! I hope you are too, and that I get way more pictures of your laundry on my line.


Bobealia... said...

When I "hear" myself quoted, I sound like a knucklehead.
I hope you get some more submissions! C'mon people!

SzélsőFa said...

Dear Vickie!
I made my photos yesterday and will post them soon so I can have an url to make you happy with :))
Blobealia's done a great job.
And the avatar... Just like our cat.

SzélsőFa said...
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SzélsőFa said...

I had to break the lines, otherwise part of the url was not visible. I hope this method is suitable.

carmilevy said...

I always thought my mom's laundry line in the back yard was cool. You've just confirmed it. There are few things quite as peaceful as clothes hanging quietly in the sun on a summer's afternoon.

Maybe one: watching said clothes hang while one sips from a giant cold drink with one of those umbrellas.

Good to see you from the "other" London.